The emoticons and their meanings

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Zenith Nadir
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The emoticons and their meanings

Post by Zenith Nadir »

As a user of z2, you'll most likely have seen those pretty pictures that are in the emoticon column by now. But what do they mean? After millennia of debate I believe I have the answers, retrieved from tablets of stone hewn by the gods atop the Mountain of Shadows. Or I just wrote them up when I was bored, whichever's easier.

Keep in mind that these meanings are fluid, and the emoticons can be applied however you want (just please, PLEASE don't use them in every post, it gets so irritating (hi eebryd!!)).

:hmmmm: - Interested, confused or pensive

:agh: - Shocked, fearful

:freud: - Amused by implied sexual connotations in previous post; can also mark an occasion where one is suspicious that another user has incriminated him/herself.

:prezbw: - A request for attention (usually prior to making an announcement)

Also used to express having regained one's composure after an unrestrained outburst. - MadTom

:slap: - For general use in posts mocking another user

:icannotcontrol: - Expression of alienation, anger or despair

:whole: - Happiness

Zaphod - Feelings of lethargy, laziness or awareness that one has committed an uncommonly idiotic act or other failure of judgement.

Also used in direct reference to Godedrp himself. - MadTom

The following descriptions by MadTom:

:911: - Sardonic indication of sentimental or remorseful feelings when a) reminded of any particularly memorable event, or b) when an event one deems memorable has just occurred.

:gay: - Probably the most versatile of the emoticons, ;gay; is used to simply and effectively dismiss a person from a discussion.

:ler: - I challenge even Nadir to put the meaning of this emoticon into a concrete sentence. It does have a meaning; it's just that you can really only learn it by observation.

:learn: - As the ALT of the image implies, ;learn; is used alongside an explanation of something to signal that the person being educated should already know it.

:vedick: - Vedick can be used to mark: 1) A feat of programming or otherwise CS-related brilliance which has very little potential real-world use, 2) Sardonic pride on one's own part or unjustified arrogance on the part of another, or 3) Any reference to vagrancy or unemployment, 4) A reference to Vedic himself.

Image - "I am MadTom, and I find that this thread rocks."


I added a bunch of new emoticons!!!! Let's see what they mean, eh? -nadir

:patriot: - God Bless America!
:q: - This one is fucking creepy. It's like your standard :D emoticon only terrifying. And yes, it's lifted from Something Awful (like a lot of things on here)

:tie: - Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to make a TIE Fighter smiley? WHO? WHAT THE HELL??!??!!!

:redeemerwhore: - "I felt like posting an obnoxiously large emoticon. Take THAT, z2!"

:jump: - Not quite as obnoxious as redeemerwhore, but still pretty frightening.

:ravebaron: :superbaron: :antibaron: - Back by popular demand! The barons represent feelings of frivolity and jubilance. If the Ravebaron and the Antibaron were ever to make physical contact, a chemical reaction between them would cause an explosion the size of a supernova. It is Superbaron's job to prevent this catastrophic occurance from happening.

:fsfunky: - "This makes me so happy that I am dancing like my hero, FSFunky."

XD - ex fucking DEE motherfuckers

:safe: - Recognition and/or admiration of another's prowess in a given field.

:magicmissile: Communicates feelings of distain towards a particular thread.

:drussrox: - I'm a sixteen year old virgin, and proud of it. Fuck you, you failed coathanger abortions. You are probably Feminem fans. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:adomisfreewareyoudontneedacrackorserialnumbertopl - I don't think this one has a meaning, really.

:canada: - You're a woman from Canada!

:meow: - see the kitty. see the kitty meow.

:chick: - I live on a farm and I think i'm amish

:elephant: - I have a large trunk between my legs woman. Get to work.

This thread will be updated whenever an icon is added or removed. Until then, happy posting, you sick puppies.
Last edited by Zenith Nadir on Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
he looked upon the world and saw it was still depraved :fvkk:

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