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Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:36 pm
by Mooseka
I don't know if this guy is retarded or not but he's a really good musician. It's just that every time he talks he's like HALLO YOUTUBES!!!!!!!!!! so yeah he's probably autistic or something

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:46 am
by Zenith Nadir
leeroy jenkins

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:59 pm
by Schroedingers Cat
I like it.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:08 am
by tapeworm
I have both of his albums, and I listen to them quite often.



Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:48 pm
by tapeworm


Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:25 pm
by H1~~
My money's not on Autism, actually, but on a 4-way combination of Thick-Accented Foreign Guy, Idiot Savant (emphasis on Savant), Goofy yet Wise 87-year old Model Train Hobbyist and retired hunting/outdoorsman expert-turned-HAM Radio enthusiast...
Just look at how he wears those hats! Autism Shmautism. He's just got a funny face, a goofy accent, and a good attitude about things.
...or maybe he does have Autism. Hell if I know. I know of one individual with Autism who does Anime Fanfiction-style Sci-Fi comics written in novels and sells them on Amazon...
Questionably Autistic Tendencies aside...

Why can't this be the kind of Music that gets stuck in my head when I have a song stuck in my head?
I'm usually stuck with one particularly catchy tune from whatever 0.002% of all types of music that categorically qualifies as FM Radio Music that they actually play on the Radio that I overhear often enough from my alarm clock radio. (seriously, less than half of all Music is that 'commercial lyrical album-based' stuff played on the Radio, and only 0.002% of that is regularly played anyway)

It's bad enough that I have to hear Three Day's Grace's Chalk Outline 20 times a day and 5 times every two hours (one at 6:00 when I am supposed to get up and one at 10:30 when I am supposed to be getting into bed) but then THAT is what gets stuck in my head?
Well I guess it's how they say ''need to get out more'' as applies to Music... I could get into Music and find my own tastes rather than just have FM Radio to tide me over... but then 'mainstream music' is still all that's played in Barbershops, Dentists' Offices, Bars...


Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 4:46 pm
by tapeworm