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In here we make a story

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:36 pm
by Fungahhh
In this thread we make a story, but the trick is that every reponse must adhere to ONE of these rules. Only one of your choosing. I will add more of these rules as the story gets longer.

1. Must include an exploding helicopter.
2. Must use the phrase "b-ball court"
3. Must use the phrase "getting crunk" ("get crunk" is also acceptable).
4. Must include someone pulling down someone else's pants.
5. A bird must poop on someone, causing them to punch or kick something else.

Here are some general rules:

* Each reply must be no longer than 10 sentences, but there is no minimum length.
* You cannot go off on wild disconnects. If we did this, it'd get broken far too quickly. The progression must be logical.
* I'll start

MadTom woke up to the sound of the alarm clock blaring the sounds of today's driving conditions. He immediately shut it off, and then yawned and scratched his beard. Exactly ten seconds later, he stretched, yawned again, stood up, stretched, and scratched his beard; this was his morning routine. He went to walk into the bathroom, when suddenly he heard a loud explosion. He looked out his window and saw a helicopter falling right in his back yard.

Re: In here we make a story

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:41 pm
by lemmer1800000000000000000
Fungahhh wrote: MadTom woke up to the sound of the alarm clock blaring the sounds of today's driving conditions. He immediately shut it off, and then yawned and scratched his beard. Exactly ten seconds later, he stretched, yawned again, stood up, stretched, and scratched his beard; this was his morning routine. He went to walk into the bathroom, when suddenly he heard a loud explosion. He looked out his window and saw a helicopter falling right in his back yard.
Startled, MadTom ran outside. As he approached the helicopter, he saw a severely burnt arm reaching out of the wreckage. "Are you okay?" he asked, kneeling beside the pilot.

"Kid," the helicopter pilot said from beneath the debris, "...a bird is about to poop on your head."

"Huh?" MadTom wondered aloud, looking into the sky. "I don't see any--Waaauugh!" he cried, his sentence cut short as a bunch of bird poop dropped into his mouth. This made him so angry that he kicked the helicopter, causing it to make a rattling noise. It didn't explode, though.