through no fault of my own on my first serious acid trip I convinced myself that I had already raped a girl, crashed a car into a building, and was in a ditch with the police over me, and that what I was experiencing was just my memories playing over until I actually got to the events that I would have no control over. Needless to say I stayed in one place for quite a while.
It's not hard to have a bad trip on anything. If it's on mushrooms it'll last a hell of a lot longer than salvia. Some people just seem prone to bad trips.
Commodore wrote:It's not hard to have a bad trip on anything. If it's on mushrooms it'll last a hell of a lot longer than saliva. Some people just seem prone to bad trips.
Because they're idiots (psychologically) for one reason or another, usually. It's easier on salvia though because it's kind of disorienting when you forget absolutely everything you've ever learned. I've never had a bad trip and I'm pretty sure the only way I ever will is if something horrible outside of my control happens while tripping.
burstroc you know as well as I do that you'll smoke it again sometime.
ohhh, i thought the same thing zamros did about the trip story!! i guess i don't read stuff properly. i don't think he's an idiot though. but there was that period after i banned him from #amaranth twice that he got all angry at me hahahaha that was good
gunfahhh wrote:burstroc you know as well as I do that you'll smoke it again sometime.
it's true, actually. i didn't think it would happen, but i'm past the fear stage now. i wouldn't exactly say i'm ready to do it again, but i do see myself taking the plunge again in the future.
Roger the Cabin Boy wrote:ohhh, i thought the same thing zamros did about the trip story!! i guess i don't read stuff properly. i don't think he's an idiot though. but there was that period after i banned him from #amaranth twice that he got all angry at me hahahaha that was good
Yeah I was actually high at the time and misread his post. I can understand that happening with salvia easier than other drugs though since you forget everything ever, but burstroc has to learn to... to bug out.. properly