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Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 1:36 am
by superbowl shuffle
I like how Roland Emmerich copies himself in every movie he makes.

In other news, I shot myself in the arm with a bb gun today. It was awesome.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:56 am
by dave2
Actually nothing that Ryan said was funny. DAT rocks. It has that guy from October Sky and other stuff.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 3:15 am
by Zandor 12
Ryan is simultaneously over and under-rated. It's a very tricky position to maintain, and I think we should be more appreciative of his efforts.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 5:00 am
by Ryan Ferneau
I did notice one scene in that 15-minute script that was out of place. Remember the part where Sam went and used the telephone downstairs that was going underwater? That should have happened before the scene where he was trying to stop everyone from leaving. For one thing, it was during the phone call that Sam learned why they had to stay in the library. And for another thing, that water all had to come in before it could freeze over, right? Ah well. I also wondered how the phones could work underwater. "What, is he going to swim to them? That won't work..." Then I saw the telephones, and it turned out that the water was just below them, so I could guess that he would have just enough time for the one call, but then the water will rise and he'll have to swim out, and he's not gonna make it, not gonna make it... He made it! Hooray!
Seventh Shade wrote:I like how they copied that scene from Independence Day almost exactly with someone talking on a cellphone in a car then they look in the rear view mirror and see the big wave of water (or fire, as in Independence Day) coming toward them.
Yeah, I noticed that too, but I thought it was nice that they changed up fire for water there. It makes you think, "Hey hey, it's the standard action-movie wall of fire, except it's water! Wow!"
Seventh Shade wrote:Blow up the ocean... I'm going to have to use that line for something...
Just don't forget that I shamelessly stole it from Homestar Runner first. You know, from that Cheat Commando thing.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 5:58 am
by Dr. Dos
<A href=>Giant wall of water you say?</a>

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:34 am
by Ryan Ferneau
nice Dr. Dos. i corrected you on your link thingy

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 4:34 pm
by superbowl shuffle
If I were that boi from the movie and I was on the phone and the water was rising I would be like G2G BYE so Quaid wouldn't have to go all the way to New York for no reason.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:37 pm
by Ryan Ferneau
Oh. I guess that might work.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:14 am
by superbowl shuffle
Stalag 17 is on AMC right now.

Watch it.