Zamros is the king.

..................WTF?! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IS "XRUMER"?!

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Zamros is the king.

Post by 99 »

Share your Zamros stories here, and how he's affected your life for the better, or ruined it completely!
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Post by 401 »

I looked up Zamros in the dictionary and I found:

Zamros-(ZAM-rôss...I think)-...we don't know either...
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Post by Commodore »

Once zamros called me gay and it scarred me for life.

Post by Guest »

What a day that was!
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Post by clecky »

im so fucking dumb
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Post by 68 »

Zamros and I, we go way back. To the creation of Jesus 3035 to the thirteenth recreation of the ZAMROS Forum, I've been alongside one of my best buddies in the world.
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Post by Zenith Nadir »

Well, there was this one time when Zamros ran over my dog. I've never forgiven him.

Especially since he then back over it again to make sure it was dead.
he looked upon the world and saw it was still depraved :fvkk:

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Post by dave2 »

Ah, yes. It seems like only yesterday I stumbled into the zzt world, was slapped with the name "dave2" and zamros greeted me with

<zamros> DAVE3 LIKES MEN

It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Since then, we've been on many an adventure, from saving the earth from mars-goblins, to unmasking evil hotel owner Mr. Smithe while he trying to scare away people from his hotel under the identity of the evil floadting ghost monster (we had a little help from the dog from the Jetsons). I thank you, zamros, for the great times we've had.
I'm back for more ZZT fun!
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Post by 235 »

Zamros is our king. He's THE king. To truly understand the man and his ways, we need to learn our history:

King Zamros I (and last)

Ahh yes, King Zamros I, the great ruler of our planet. What makes him so special you ask? Let us dig deeper in the wonderful story of our king and our savior, Zamros.

It all started way back in 1365 when Zamros was born. He was a cute little Zamros, whose name he get from his parents (Zammor was his father, and Rosey was his mother). Zamros was smarter than the rest of the children, and he often sat alone in the corner all by himself, "I'm too good for these faggots!" he said. And he was, he really was.

Zamros grew up to be a mighty man, he worked out every day and excelled in all of his classes, he was number one in America. Zamros joined every club and he became the ruler in less than one day. Anyone who disagreed with him would have their heads on a pole before they could even put their fists up. He was, and is, our true savior.

Today, Zamros still rules the world, and he always will. He's strong, confident, and independent. He's a people's ruler. No wait, he IS the people's ruler. He's the man, the myth, the legend. King Zamros I.

King Zamros
Ruler of the world
"One nation, above God."
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Post by 354 »

Now you don't
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Post by Mooseka »

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Post by zamros »

microwave that was the most accurate description of my life ever except for one thing; i worked out TWICE a day.
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Post by crank »

zamros wrote this one about the ways in which we have supported each other! Actually, it's more about UBGS, but.. here it is!

Crank God and I go way back. I remember the first time I met him, in a smoke filled bar in London, back in 1963. He had just flown in from Moscow, and was waiting to transfer to a connecting flight. Little did he know at the time, the evening we shared would cause him to miss that flight, and the files were never delivered to the President. But enough about what he didn't do. That night, after a few dry martinis, we started scribbling on the napkins available in the bar. A few more drinks and a couple of hours later, we had concept sketches of Bo, Qu, and another character named "Joey" that we never used. Nevertheless, this was the night when UBGS was born.

We ended up flying back to New York together, on my private jet. Because of a recent tiff with my live-in girlfriend, I had space for him to stay in my brownstone apartment. These were the golden days of UBGS, our child of sorts. A mutual friend of ours, aetsch, would stop by to illustrate our tales, and we would pay him handsomely. In the daytime, we would write. However, after the sun went down, we would hop in to my Rolls-Royce and take in the vivid nightlife of the sixties in New York, from upscale clubs to throwing water balloons full of shampoo at hippies. We had fun together, and rightfully so.

However, this fun was doomed to failure. Aetsch, we learned, was struck by an out of control automobile on Seventh Avenue, and had perished as a result. We mourned the loss of our noble artist. Crank had gone for a walk after learning the news, and returned to our apartment with David, an orphan. While only seven years old, he was a gifted artist, and, after some attempts, managed to recreate the drawing style of our beloved aetsch quite well. But something, I felt, was missing without aetsch. We still took in the nightlife, and we still had fun writing together, but it did not feel right.

So, the cycle restarted. We wrote, David drew, and we all went out every evening for a night on the town. One night, at a trendy dance club in 1976, the three of us happened to run in to Lemmer, who immediately hit it off with us. He seemed like he could bring some decent ideas to our now-aging comic. We offered him a place to live and a steady job, and he readily accepted.

Our adoring fan base of millions continued to steadily grow, as did our opulent lifestyle. I had added two floors to my brownstone at this point, and each one of us drove an obscenely ostentatious automobile (Lemmer had the Rolls-Royce, Crank drove a Mercedes Gullwing, Dave had the Ferarri Dino, and I a Lamborghini Countach). The year was 1983 when I decided that enough was enough, and left to pursue early retirement. I purchased a penthouse apartment across the street from the brownstone. Crank, David, and Lemmer continued to write and illustrate the comic, while I admirably read it in the New Yorker. Sure, I did not get credit for the most recent comics, but I still was a multi-billionaire.

Despite my split from the rest of the group, Crank and I remained the best of friends. The night-time jaunts to clubs were still as roaring as they used to be, despite each of us having aged thirty years. In early 2003, Crank had confronted me with a decision that he would like to stop making UBGS. I respected the decision, and helped write the final episode, which, in actuality, looked nothing like a final episode. Despite several attempts by all former authors of UBGS to rekindle our union, we have not come up with an idea so potent, so marketable as UBGS. And this, I credit all to that fateful meeting in 1963. Thank you, Crank, it's been a trip.

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Post by Ryan Ferneau »

Uh... What's UBGS? Is it like FLCL?
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Post by zamros »

UBGS is a comic I used to write. It was about a handicapped boy who wanted to be a soapbox derby racer, but the evil Dr. Power constantly foils his dreams, because unbeknowst to the handicapped boy ("Bo"), his non-working legs contained the secret to everlasting life. Bo has several friends, all of different races, ages, genders, and economic statuses. The comic doesn't exist anymore.