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Who tha most annoying ZZTer on tha whole forum?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:59 pm
by Scribbit
I've seen a certain amount of annoyance at a number of ZZTers, who I sympathize with because they all seem to want to make the community more open and less hateful. This is a vicious cycle. Now, I'm curious: which of the following do you think is the most annoying person on the forums?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:29 pm
by Archangel
ME!!! No, actually I would have to say most of us are equally annoying, so the most annoying ones are those who are not annoying. You've got people like me who are either nuts our drunk (probably both... as bias as that might sound) And people like QuantumP who think they're god and enjoying editing peoples post because they can, and no one can stop them. People like Zenith who make me smile in jealousy. People like kitty who are self-conscious. People like... You know what... FUCK IT!!!
Your All Annoying... But thats why I love you.
:hmmmm: :freud:

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:31 pm
by Zenith Nadir
Moaning and a-heaving on a hot sticky can
I'm craving chocolate ex-lax and my G.E. fan
I'm tagging on the wall how I got in this jam
MSG, money, margaritas and my man

Storing up my supper, coffee and my snacks
The shits piling up kinda feels like a cramp
Instant relief is what I need to ease
the megacolon that's inside of me

Nightmares of my dinner at the China Doll
Thinking 'bout my wardrobe gonna get at the mall
TV Guide, Cosmo, I'm running out of mags
and I just smoked a pack of my Kool fags

Finger in my hole, getting into the dig
There's cum stains on my panties and jizz in my wig
My man calls me Cherry, thinks I'm uptight
but I'm gonna blow him off cuz I'm Dynamite

She's Sandra H, not Sandra D.
and my lady Y-vonne standing next to me
She said "holy shit", I said "yes that is it"
Now Megacolon is a big big hit

mmmeeegggaaa cccooolllooonnn

Thinking 'bout my man it really makes me sick
The shit got soft, steamy slick
It came out in a blast that was really foul
Forget the white clouds, I need a Bounty towel

I need a new life, I got to reform
I can't take my strife in this thunderstorm
I got to be strong, I got to be brave
Don't wanna bear the title "Miss Toilet Slave"

I'm Sandra H, not Sandra Dee
With my lady Y-vonne standing next to me
We are fly white girls moving in New York City
Our rhymes aren't tough but our faces are pretty

We were hanging out in bars looking for a groom
When we met each other in the ladies' room
She said "holy shit", I said "yes that is it"
Now Megacolon is a big big hit


fly white girls moving in new york city


Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:34 pm
by Zenith Nadir
Archangel wrote:ME!!! No, actually I would have to say most of us are equally annoying, so the most annoying ones are those who are not annoying. You've got people like me who are either nuts our drunk (probably both... as bias as that might sound) And people like QuantumP who think they're god and enjoying editing peoples post because they can, and no one can stop them. People like Zenith who make me smile in jealousy. People like kitty who are self-conscious. People like... You know what... FUCK IT!!!
Your All Annoying... But thats why I love you.
:hmmmm: :freud:
quantum p doesn't edit posts, why are you picking on the guy

it's all dr dos' fault

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:49 pm
by Archangel
Zenith Nadir wrote:Dos doesn't edit posts, why are you picking on the guy

it's all quantum's fault
Actually Dos's a great guy. He keeps me in line for the most part and I try to keep my fingers tamed so I don't post something I regret.

The only one I dislike is kitty he's to self-conscious. Then again I don't even know what that word really means anymore. What is it we were talking about again? Oh Yeah!

Grab the torches, where going to go burn down Quantum's forest because somebody stole my invisiboat.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:00 pm
by Schroedingers Cat
And why am I not on that list?! Jeez, if Nadir's on there, I'd think we'd all be on there.

I voted "Other". As bad as Archangel is, he's not even an eighth as bad as Scorch. I know that thread is nearly a year old, but that's how badly he affected the fora. Don't get me wrong; I don't actually hate him, but I fail to understand how natural selection has repeatedly failed to remove him from the human gene pool. His presence on this planet is detrimental to the human species as a whole... he's that bad. Poor guy. I pity him and the vagina he fell face first out of.

@Archie, what do you mean, "self-conscious"? I don't mind your dislike, but I would prefer it if you actually had a valid reason before you start complaining about how bad I suck. That's twice now that you've said that. Seriously, point out one post where I'm "self-conscious" and I'll <s>be your friend</s> make sure to convince Nadir not to ban you (as you'll inevitably be if you persist in defying the laws of grammar and common sense).

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:38 pm
by Archangel
Not you, my own personal kitty... His real name is simon, and he likes to type on my keyboard.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:59 pm
by Scribbit
Didja know, there's a program that's supposed to analyze keystrokes to prevent that?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:30 am
by Schroedingers Cat
No one has dared to vote for Nadir

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:54 am
by superbowl shuffle
That's because they are afraid of him. But I'm not.

Zenith you cunt.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:55 pm
by Scribbit
I think Nadir might just be one of the least most annoying people, compared to newbies like me.

Doh! I forgot to put Jotz on that list! I know someone thinks Jotz is annoying, or else Nadir just says that whenever he mentions BANG.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:46 am
by Schroedingers Cat
R.I.P. oof, buddy. :'(

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:32 am
by Quantum P.
Mark Twain wrote:When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
Now, replace "boy" with "newbie", replace "father" with "Nadir", and maybe adjust the timescale a bit. That's the average newbie's perspective*.

*Assuming survival

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:42 am
by Zenith Nadir
superbowl shuffle wrote:That's because they are afraid of him. But I'm not.

Zenith you cunt.

i will have you erased for this

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:46 pm
by Scribbit
Well, I RIKE nadir! He's not bad at all, and seems more sane than some of the people who frequent this place.