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Eternal Champions GIFs

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:47 pm
by Stak
Holy shit

I played the first one and remember it being so awesome, but its sequel was ridiculously violent (and also I've never played it because I didn't have a Sega CD).

The above link is animated GIFs of all the fatality-style moves in the game. Gruesome stuff, especially "The Long Fall" and "Tree Spike".

There's no way anyone would get away with this shit today. Click above and relive a bit of violent nostalgia!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:43 am
by Quantum P.

Code: Select all

#put n red slime
#put s red slime
#put e red slime
#put w red slime
/i/i/i/i/i#change slime fake
#change red breakable fake
Those animations are quite gory. What was the game about and what was it rated?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:57 am
by Ando
Eternal Champions is some game that came out for the Sega CD system or whatever about ten years ago. I remember reading about it in GAMEFAN when I was just 11 years old (it's a shame that GAMEFAN is gone now, that magazine kicked so much ass). It was supposedly pretty good for it's time, although I bet that it's shitty now. There was a sort-of spin off game that came out for the Genesis during it's last breaths which starred that one ninja woman, but it's thought by many to be a horrible game.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:01 am
by Dr. Dos
There's an artice on it on I-Mockery about The Senator and he's the best character ever.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:09 am
by Terryn
I bought this game, actually, when it was on clearance (about a year after it came out). Its gameplay is... pretty mediocre. The big problem is the limitations on doing some special moves presented by having a limited amount of move energy to do them. The game had decent combo potential (hell, you did the Cinekills by doing a combo well enough to get unlimited special power - about eight hits - while leaving the enemy dizzied with under 25% health) but had obvious character tiers, some hard-to-do normal moves and iffy sound. At least it had tons of secret characters, though most were dreck. The owl hard punch was enough to get me to unlock the dark champion (cinekill everybody but the eternal and never lose a round) because it was so damned cheap and comboable.

The game was about convincing the eternal champion to resurrect you before you died (everybody's dead already) to fix what killed you in the first place by winning his tournament, only you had to beat the dark eternal too. The boss battles were irritating because each champion had eight modes and therefore eight life bars. You can only access four of the EC's at a time though, and only four of the dark champion's ones in total ever. =(

Ando : X-Perts. And yes, it was pretty bad. I ROMulated it out of curiosity and deleted it in so little time.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:08 pm
by Zenith Nadir

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:27 am
by Edward ... sudden.gif first fatality i ever got in a fighting game!