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Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:23 am
by superbowl shuffle
I will join this.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:35 pm
by Scribbit
That's 13. A nice odd number.

I'll start on the floor plan now, does anyone want a specific board? Like a corner or a key item board or something?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:14 pm
by asiekierka
My board should be hidden. Like, you need to do something weird/stupid/not normal to go into my place and get the Ultimate Key of Stupidity.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:47 pm
by Scribbit
you'll have to work that out with the person whose board runs onto yours. I can give you a "dead-end" board with only one entrance/exit, if you like.

I'm also setting up a couple of loops. One of them, you can choose which way to go to get to the key. You'll have to go through two other boards either way. The other, you only have to go through one board each way, but it's a one-way loop. Asie, you might want one of the "optional" boards that the player won't always have to go to.

Code: Select all

Floor plan:

b: green key
f: blue key
i: red key
g: white key
d: 4 doors + end

   k-f m-d
   | | | 
   | | ^ V
   g-j h<i

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:31 pm
by asiekierka
I take "b".

If "m"s creator can, please add a sign pointing to board "b" saying: "don't go in there. evil randomness there." if you can. or something like that.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:20 pm
by Commodore
I'm beginning to think you should make it simpler. should someone not make a board you might have your plan ruined. If you're going to decide to use linking instead of passages you also need to determine a standard of where on the edge the opening is and how big. or you need to tell people to collaborate.

also we should probably send you .brd files instead of worlds.

and you're going to have to come up with starting board, and victory board.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:51 pm
by Quantum P.
What Commodore said. I'd like to add that passages also require collaboration: the colors have to match, or else you might not come out of the right passage on the other side.

The floor plan can be complex, but you have to be able to rearrange it should someone drop out. Offer no guarantees to participants other than "your board will have exits to the east and north".

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:34 am
by Scribbit
Actually, I'd like to make a couple of changes.

Code: Select all

Floor plan:

b: "floating" room
m: blue key
i: red key
g: green key
d: 3 doors + end

   k-f m-d
   | | | 
   | | ^ V
   g-j h<i
The addition of the "floating room" may help with some things. First, the "floating room" must be open on all sides. I will connect it to whichever other boards need it. If no other boards need it, I will slip it in somewhere hidden. You can still get to it, but you will likely need to do something weird/stupid/not normal. I have plans for how to accomplish this, and I will discuss it at the next AsieCorps consultant meeting, or whatever the company's called now (I assert that I am a consultant and not a full employee).

If more boards are missing, I will simply replace them with "dummy" boards containing the minimum required to make the map work.

I'm making starting board. Victory board is 'd' and has not been claimed.

If your board has to have an exit on a side, the default is that the entire side must be open. You can, of course, work out a plan with the designer of an adjacent board if you want smaller and/or multiple paths off of that edge.

.brd files would be accepted, yes, and I may have to make slight modifications if they don't all fit together. Probably nothing more than changing a key's color or something. Speaking of which, I cut the floor plan down to 3 required keys. The other colors are still available for puzzle making. Also, if you want to use a flag, tell me so I can keep track of how many may be on at once.

Passage transportation was not part of my plan for this layout, but if someone needs it I'm sure I can work it in somewhere.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:46 am
by InfoSponge
Can I snag room h?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:53 am
by Scribbit
Yep, it's a one way from the east edge to the north edge. I'll start filling in the map:

Code: Select all

N = Nupanick
a = asiekierka
I = infosponge

   +-+ +-+
   | | |
   | | ^ V
   +-+ I<+

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:11 am
by Seventh Shade
I'll take k.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:39 pm
by Quantum P.
Surprise me.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:53 pm
by asiekierka
Dear Nupanick,

It's still called Aperture Software and nothing is going to change it. Except Portal 2 getting released. This MAY do it, but i'm not entirely sure.


PS: Please, oh PLEASE don't link to my board. The only way i want you guys to do it is by adding it somewhere hidden (black-on-black passage in a narrow corner, or in the one-way loop, going the wrong way). And i'll set a flag notifying that you were in my room. It'll be called "polishpowahz". If you don't follow the rules, you'll get a load of :blazkowicz: in your face.

Code: Select all

N = Nupanick 
a = asiekierka 
I = infosponge 
S = Seventh Shade

   S-+ +-+ 
   | | | 
   | | ^ V 
   +-+ I<+

Flags used: 1

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:21 pm
by Ellypses
I was about to suggest that we make boards that connects using passages only. That way, it won't interfere with graphic work or hidden objects in anyway. Plus it'll be easier to put the boards together in the long run. Then it's all in the matter of if the board that is assigned have a key or not. This also gives us an option to make more than one board which either be separate or an extension of the previous if allowed.

We could start by using a brown text "S" to represent the starting point and "1",(and/or "2") to represent possible exits until it's replaced with passages.

If I was to pick a board, I want one that's far away from the starting point, but not a path leading to the end. :pup:

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:16 pm
by Scribbit
Oops, I meant for the green key to go in room l.

Code: Select all

Floor plan:

b: "floating" room
m: blue key
i: red key
l: green key
d: 3 doors + end

   k-f m-d
   | | | 
   | | ^ V
   g-j h<i