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Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 3:03 am
by Schroedingers Cat
Heh. Burstroc said "shan't."

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:03 am
by Quantum P.
"Shan't" is a word we ought to use more often. Tintin uses it, and Tintin is cool.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 6:57 am
by nuero
Transcribed from DVD Commentary: Well, what I thought I'd do... like, it's that funny thing I did, where nuero said something one time about me talking about drugs too much, so I just talked about drugs to him every time I talked to him, which... it's pretty funny, I mean, I think it's funny. Well, the thing with Zamros... Zamros says stuff is gay a lot. Like, he really does. So, what I'd do is, I'd call Zamros gay. And so it'd be like I turned it around and took a shit on his face with his own shit. Directly out of his own asshole.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:27 am
by mania-[ker]
Transcribed from DVD Commentary: Well this, this is a very, uh, well, it's a very tender scene, you know. See, watch this right here, you see how I kind of yield a little when I'm leaning in to kiss him? It's a very, uh, what's the word I'm looking for, it's almost like, awkward, you know. Like, my character's saying to himself "I'm not normally attracted to other men.... but this guy right here, he is hot." We actually met afterwards, for a couple drinks, but nothing really happened. He was a great kisser...

Continuing the Zamros Fanfiction

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:34 am
by Schroedingers Cat
Transcribed from DVD Commentary:
Nuero: Who the hell are you anyway, giving out orders like this?
Zamros: What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the Goddamn Batman.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 2:10 am
by Ando
You sure are obsessed with that quote.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:08 am
by Dr. Dos
maybe he's autistic you insensitive jerk

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:38 am
by Cyberdemon
Back to the point.. whos gonna make it?

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:21 am
by Commodore
point? make what?

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:51 pm
I think he means "How are we going to make Halloween come true/to stop all the boys and girls from feeling blue?/Without their precious candy, they will feel the pain/and wonder if Halloween will come back again."